STOP THE BLEED TRAINING is Available through NewYork Presbyterian Queens Trauma Program

September Is Disaster Preparedness Month & STOP THE BLEED® is just one way to get prepared.

Knowing how to control bleeding from a serious injury is important knowledge for everyone to have! It seems every month we hear about some type of critical event involving life threatening bleeding on our subways, in our schools.  During this month, learn the basic skills necessary to control bleeding from accidents and injuries. Being prepared can help save lives.

There are several ways to become informed, educated, and empowered. NewYork Presbyterian Queens, Trauma Program has onsite instructors, who can host courses in a variety of formats, including virtual & in person. During September we will be hosting virtual education sessions about this program. You and your organizational members can also receive certificates for training with an in-person skills session.  Feel free to reach out to our Injury Prevention Coordinator for scheduling an in-person course, locate our virtual course options, or host your own sites virtual course & in-person skills to gain this valuable knowledge TODAY! Below is some information of the programs development & history.

The Stop the Bleed Story

STOP THE BLEED® is the result of a collaborative effort led by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) to bring knowledge of bleeding control to the public. Collective efforts using lessons from the Military, helped develop a program to help lay people save lives, utilizing early bleeding control techniques. Through these collaborative efforts through numerous organizations, it became clear that time was a critical factor in outcomes directly related to how quickly bleeding control was achieved. These finding have helped to understand the key role bystanders play as part of the disaster preparedness team & our ability to save lives.


***Certification of Stop the Bleed Training Requires an In Person Skills Session, contact NYP Queens Trauma @ email: or call 718-670-2929 for more info on how to set up in person skills sessions.

Event Details

Please use this Link to register below and you will receive an email with dial in information.