173 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY 10032


This two-day course will cover virtually all aspects of neonatal respiratory care, including non-invasive modes of respiratory support, kinder and gentler mechanical ventilation, neurally adjusted ventilator assist, high-frequency ventilation, surfactant therapy, inhaled nitric oxide therapy, one-lung ventilation, and the use of laryngeal mask airway.

Participants will become familiar with the application and pitfalls of bubble nasal prong continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and ventilatory strategies in infants with respiratory distress. We will also address airway care from a nursing perspective, clinical care of patients with respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary hypertension, quality improvement for respiratory outcomes and unplanned extubations, and the current state of fetal surgery.

In addition, we'll also cover management strategies for newborns at 22-23 weeks gestation, screening infants for congenital heart disease, the concept of cardiac NICU for better outcomes, neonatal hemodynamics and physiology-based critical care, point of care sonography, perinatal sequencing, mindfulness during neonatal care to mitigate burnout, and ‘Pearls in Neonatology.'

This conference is intended for the entire neonatal critical care team: physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, physician assistants, and other allied health professionals practicing in the neonatal intensive care arena interested in improving respiratory care outcomes in neonates. Attendance by complete physician-nurse-respiratory therapist teams is strongly recommended and encouraged.

Event Details